Keeping It Real…

First off I would like to start out by saying that if anyone knocks on my Facebook door so to speak, and tells me this whole virus is a hoax you’re getting booted out the door and blocked. I don’t have time for uninformed unintelligent people spreading bullshit faster than this virus is, because frankly it is disrespectful to the victims of this virus and their families and I won’t stand for it! I would like to further add that if you don’t like my thoughts then as I have clearly said before you know where the door is so use it, because nobody’s forcing you to stay.

I have a background from when I was younger working in the medical field, and I know truth from bullshit in this regard, and what is happening is real. If you don’t wanna deal with it fine, then understand something very clearly I’m not the person to talk to. Furthermore, while I have seen and expressed a higher spiritual purpose for what is going down, don’t mistake my spiritual/healer/gardener ways for pacifism. I am a firm believer that our forefathers wanted us to have the right to bear arms for valid reasons and I exercise my constitutionally protected right whenever I get the chance. If anyone that’s on my friends list mistook me for a pacifist then you have perceive me completely incorrectly.

I firmly believe in protecting my family and what belongs to them and I also believe in protecting other people who can’t protect themselves. Just to give you an idea I would be one of those people who would step up when a gun man is trying to shoot everybody to make them stop! So, just to clarify further for all of my readers… I believe in being a warrior wether by the pen or by the sword, and not for one minute am I going to be ashamed of that fact about myself. After all I have in my lifetime experienced several horrific acts of violence at the hands of some pretty vicious people.

Also when I say that this situation is going to open our eyes in regards to our abilities to come together it will also open our eyes in regards to the enormous amount of social problems that we have, and that have been allowed to exist for far too long. Us, meaning humanity need to wake up as a whole and stop expecting everything to be handed to us by others and start understanding that we as individuals are actually in charge of keeping our social structures together, not the local officials, not the state government, and definitely not the federal government, but you and me.

Quite literally we need to keep our eyes open and pay attention to people around us and do what we can to calm people and keep civil order, and try to do it without getting ourselves hurt if possible. Our eyes opening is both figurative concerning many issues, but also literal. Furthermore I don’t waste time on people still asleep, or those burying their heads in the sand on this issue. I am a person who will gladly share with people online my practical knowledge as well as any spiritual wisdom given to me from a higher source. But, I am also the person who will give a swift kick to the ass of those who come and knock on my door ignorantly thinking that they’re going to just always get constant doses of fluffy positivity with no doses of solid and sometimes harsh reality.

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