Coexist an Interfaith Journey

The other day when I was at a metaphysical shop I bought something that I had been wanting to buy for a long time the “coexist” bumper sticker. Throughout my spiritual practice after leaving Christianity I have been more drawn to being eclectic. This eclectic journey of mine has taken me down many roads and to the door steps of many spirits and gods and goddesses and ascended masters essentially from every religion on earth. Recently my guides have given me a very clear message and that is that my journey has been an interfaith journey.

So, it is my goal in the future to find and attend churches in as many religions as I can. I understand I will have to travel for all of this because some churches in certain religions are difficult to find. In my heart I truly believe that all paths lead to the whole and that all religions have wisdom to teach me. I am now on “the road of awe” and I am here to see with eyes unclouded by past prejudices or pain. One of the first churches I plan on finding is actually going to be a Christian church. In truth I’ve never had a problem with Jesus and we speak still regardless of me leaving the Christian faith in the past. To me Jesus is another amazing ascended Master and has much to teach me and others about kindness and compassion.

The truth is that I might attend different branches of the Christian faith all at one time. My goal is to only go to any church where healing, kindness and compassion are their first goals. All religions hold these wisdom’s in their teachings and I would like to hear them all. Some people feel like they have to decide on just one and so I have chosen to decide on them all. In my heart and my mind I know this is the best way forward for me. This will help me to not limit myself and my thinking or the possibility of exposing myself to truly wonderful people and their healing ideas.

This realization came to me after finishing the grieving process over the events that occurred over last couple years of life as well as other traumas from way back. Interestingly enough I had a lot of people come to me from a religion that I had ones left and show me their compassion and kindness and healing. This for me was a deep and penetrating healing because it healed wounds from my past in regards to that religion. Now that those ones have been healed I do understand that kindness and compassion is something that is a part of almost every religion. This new understanding fills me with joy because I now see that all paths lead to the whole.

The next religion that I want to work on finding a place for is Buddhism. This is a religion I’ve been reading about for years and I have always loved. Currently I listen to the Dalai Lama’s tweets on Twitter and I love them and him. All the messages that he gives are about how to find contentment and how to be compassionate towards each other. He is somebody that I would absolutely love to meet and speak with and honestly if I did I would want to know about him. A lot of people ask questions about themselves or their lives, but I would love to know about him as a person. It is a trip that I would dearly love to take so I can see where he’s at and also where he once lived.

Then I would dearly love to go to the Ganesh festival in India and take my dear friend Kristin with me. I want to go there and see the busy streets full of hustle and bustle and color and music. Ganesh came to me long ago and spoke to me during a Reiki healing that I was doing for this friend. Since then my friend has been devoted to Ganesh and he has given her so very much over the years and I love the fact that I could help her find him. When he approached me in truth I didn’t know who he was. I just saw a giant elephant headed human being and then my guides told me to look into a certain book so I did and I found him for her. Ever since then she has loved and worship him and I feel so very privileged to have been the conduit for their meeting.

Over the years many, many different deities and spirits and ascended masters have come to me from a wide variety of paths. As long as they come with love and healing all are welcome to me. I will never say go away I don’t believe in you, I will say come in sit down and have a cup of tea with me. In the past I would look them up to learn about the mythology they belong to, but interestingly enough most don’t care about what people used to view them like. The message I get now from them is that it is time for the “coexist” concept to take over. They themselves do not believe in separations and secularism they believe in the idea that all paths lead to the whole. Their clear message is that the idea of separatism is ending and now we all are at the beginning of a great journey of understanding and unification.

In all honesty I am so excited to be on this new journey to feel renewed and refreshed and at peace. As I go on this journey I will share what I find with all of you. I have this feeling there will be many stories from so many people and the amount of healing, love, compassion and acceptance that will I find in the future is going to be amazing. I have always wanted to travel and I now know that this what I am meant to do, which is to be apart of this unification process so that we may all “coexist” in harmony. It is time to let the healing process truly begin so that all the world can understand that we are all one.


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