Nice Guy Entitlement Syndrome

What is “nice guy entitlement syndrome” you ask? It is actually a concept that a friend of mine familiarized me with recently. It goes something like this… Either on the Internet or in person you will be approached by one of these guys that believe themselves to be “the nice guy”. They will attempt to start communication in seemingly a supposable respectful way. At that point they expect you to communicate back or respond to them in the way they want you to and in the time frame they expect. If you don’t it is then that their “nice guy entitlement syndrome” breaks through the surface in the form of usually a verbally aggressive and abusive attack. It is based around an idea of entitlement on their part that makes them believe that we as women are supposedly required to respond to “the nice guy” approach.

Up until recently I had never experienced this until the other day when I had a certain guy texted me and then expect me to immediately respond and when I didn’t he responded aggressively. So, let me get this right someone texts me at 10:30 PM when I’m trying to go to sleep and my kids are in bed and expects me to respond to them by 1:30 PM the next day or they’re going to toss some psychotic fit. Well here’s a newsflash for that individual and all the others who feel the need to engage in this new form of abuse… I am not required to respond to anyone especially strange men texting me all hours of the day and night. As I have said before I am in a long-term committed relationship and I have no plans in the immediate future or long-term future to end this relationship. Also as a rule of thumb I don’t respond to any instant messages from any strangers male or female for the simple fact that I get hundreds of them in a month and I don’t have the time or the ambition to speak to everyone considering I have a busy and full life that requires my attention and maintenance.

As I have stated loudly before I am “NOT” on Facebook to look for a date or a hop in the bed with someone I am here for higher goals than that!!! Which anyone could easily figure out by actually looking at my Facebook page! To be quite honest this new form of craziness just turns my stomach! Its bad enough that I’ve had countless crazy people approach me with marriage proposals and come on lines and dick pics now I’m going to have to put up with this bullshit to!!! I am so tired of constantly being harassed and I desperately wish that Facebook would do something in regards to instant messenger, so we don’t just have to hear from someone just because they are on your friends list. It was just last month that I had some crazy guy send me a picture of his dick! Seriously WTF! If someone were to flash you their private parts in public you could easily report them and I wanna know why it’s not the same for the Internet or any other media.

Why as women do we have to sit here and be forced to endure this form of harassment with out any form of recourse? Of course I do all the usual stuff like reporting it to Facebook, but they never actually end up doing anything legally about it. To be quite frank the way that some people communicates on the Internet or with social media today is absolutely frightening and truly disturbing. One of my friends informed me recently that our once “dating culture” has now turned into a “hook up culture” and that basically some people expects anybody on social media or the Internet to be looking for a “hook up”. Well I don’t work like that and I am proud to say I am never going to, so if you have come on here expecting me to respond to you in that way then understand that you are the problem not me and to be quite blunt you need to…

Fuck Off!!! Because I don’t owe you a damn thing!!! 😡🖕

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