Picking Beans

Yesterday we picked our first harvest of what is known as golden pencil pod green beans. There called this because when the bean forms inside the pod it is black and the pod turns white and so it looks like lead inside of a pencil. It is a little hard to tell by this picture that they are actually more golden yellow than green.

Today I will be preparing them for pressure canning and some pickling, but I have my work cut out for me because we picked a bushel basket. It is my plan to can some that are cut in the traditional way and to French cut some for green bean casserole in the future. A French cut is when you cut not just chunks, but also the length making each piece thin, which cooks up more quickly in casseroles or other recipes.

We also planted green pole beans and those should be ready for picking here in another week or so. My plan is to definitely share some recipes for green beans with everybody here in the near future.

Wishing everyone a great day in their gardens or outside!

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